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A city street scene showing an auto repair shop and tire shop with large signboards. There is a bright orange sports car parked in front of the shop, with another vehicle partially visible inside the garage. The building housing the shop is made of brick, and there is a large, empty billboard structure above it. To the right, some trees and different buildings are visible under a clear blue sky.
A city street scene showing an auto repair shop and tire shop with large signboards. There is a bright orange sports car parked in front of the shop, with another vehicle partially visible inside the garage. The building housing the shop is made of brick, and there is a large, empty billboard structure above it. To the right, some trees and different buildings are visible under a clear blue sky.


Estamos localizados em um ponto estratégico para atender suas necessidades de peças e acessórios usados para veículos automotores.


Rua Exemplo, 123


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